An athlete is a person
trained to compete in a sport involving physical strength, speed, or endurance. Athletes are entertainers, role models, and
idols. Many appreciate athletes because
the often times have the ability to do what someone cannot. College athletes are usually young people
trying to use their athleticism to get through school or get to the professional
level of the sport that they are performing.
In college many young
people find their identities and have a clear understanding of who they want to
be. Unlike high school students, college students
have a freer reign when it comes to experimenting with their sexuality, they
are away from home, so they feel a sense of freedom. Many college campuses also have organizations
where their students can feel comfortable enough to come out with their sexuality
unlike high schools. But you have to wonder, is this true for every student?
If a college athlete,
for example a football quarterback, came out the “closet” and confessed that he
was a homosexual do you think that he would get the same amount of praise as if
he where straight? How would his teammates treat him on the field or in the
locker room? How would his fans feel about him?
However if a college male gymnast came out the closet do you think he
would face the same problem? Does it
make a difference in the specific sport? In this section of the blog I will be discussing
homophobia in collegiate sports
-Lauren Tucker